Set of Shlokas with English translation on Appointment of a non-Hindu in Sanskrit Dharma Vigyana Sankaya, BHU
I had written prose describing the mental state of students and people who have a strong emotional and traditional attachment to Dharm Vigyan Sankaya of BHU. The twitter thread is here ; The BHU case has caused a serious distress to me. I have written down to describe the mental state and what forbids us from having a non-hindu teacher in Dharm Vijnana Sankay. If you can't understand this simple sanskrit, you have no right to comment against my opinion. 1/n — हर्षितः ஹர்ஷித (@hmishrahm) November 17, 2019 The original poetry is being posted here with Shloka by Shloka translation. It is best that it is read in original. I am posting a close translation. स्थितेषु भारतेषु नः विश्वविद्यालये वरे । स्थापितं शतवर्षेभ्यः महामनोभिरग्रतः।। सततं गुरुशिष्याणां वक्षु वसति भारती। धर्मविज्ञानसङ्कायं नामधेयं प्रकीर्त्तितम् ।। Established by Mahamana hundred years ago, in our best university situated in India, where Goddess Saraswati always resides in the speech of teachers and st