Set of Shlokas with English translation on Appointment of a non-Hindu in Sanskrit Dharma Vigyana Sankaya, BHU

I had written prose describing the mental state of students and people who have a strong emotional and traditional attachment to Dharm Vigyan Sankaya of BHU.

The twitter thread is here ;

The original poetry is being posted here with Shloka by Shloka translation. It is best that it is read in original. I am posting a close translation.

स्थितेषु भारतेषु नः विश्वविद्यालये वरे ।
स्थापितं शतवर्षेभ्यः महामनोभिरग्रतः।।
सततं गुरुशिष्याणां वक्षु वसति भारती।
धर्मविज्ञानसङ्कायं नामधेयं प्रकीर्त्तितम् ।।
Established by Mahamana hundred years ago, in our best university situated in India, where Goddess Saraswati always resides in the speech of teachers and students, it is known as Dharm Vigyan Sankaya.
विद्यानुग्राहिविद्वांस आभारतेभ्य आगताः ।
तान्ननुसारिणः छात्राः नीरक्षीरविवेचकाः।।
The scholars bestowed upon by knowledge come from all across India. The students following them have great discretion.
संस्कृताः सुधयः विप्राः विश्वकल्याणकामिनः।
भूषिताः सरलैः वस्त्रैः ते भक्ष्याभक्ष्यसंज्ञिनः।।
The Vipras are refined, intelligent and seek the prosperity of everyone. They are dressed in simple clothes and are conscious of edible and unconsumable.
वर्णाश्रमे निबद्धास्तेऽश्नुवते ब्रह्मचारिणः।
श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणानि मूलधर्मसनातनम्।।
The Brahmcharis follow the Varnashram Dharm and master the Vedas, Smritis, and Puraan which are the basis of Sanatan Dharma.
व्याकरणञ्च साहित्यं वेदाङ्गज्योतिषं तथा ।
चतुर्वेदश्चविज्ञानं नास्तिकास्तिकदर्शनम्।।
They master Vyakaran, Sahitya, Vedangjyotish, the four Vedas, science, and all types of philosophies. 
सुप्रारब्धाः सुशिष्याः ये गोखुरशिखिनः सदा।
सुमुखा सुकुलीनास्ते सुवक्तारश्च सात्त्विकाः ।।
They have excellent past deeds, are obedient students, and always have Shikhas of the size of a cow-pod. They are elegant, eloquent, pious and belong to cultured families.
प्रभाते बुध्यमानाः नित्यं नित्यकर्मकर्मिणः ।
तस्मै विनार्घ्यदानेन न पश्यन्ति दिवाकरम् ।।
They wake up in the morning and always do their Nityakarma. They do not see the sun without offering the Arghya.
आचार्यमवगच्छन्ति न कदापि मुखाभया।
पादाङ्गुल्यवलोक्यैव जानन्त्यपि परम्पराम्।।
They do not recognize the Acharyas by face. But they know the entire Parampara as soon as they see their toe fingers.
विद्यार्थिनः पठन्त्यत्र गुरोरुपरितिष्ठतः।
स्वाध्याये च रताः नित्यं वेदपठनपाठने।।
The students study from the teacher who sits at a higher level. They are always busy in studying and teaching Vedas.
वाण्या गभीरया यत्र ते कुर्वन्ति परायणम्।
क्षीयन्ते तत्र पापानि पञ्चभूतस्य मार्जनात् ।।
Wherever they do the Parayanam with their deep voice, the sins get reduced as all elements purify.  
काश्याः स्वनगरं याति कृताध्ययनपण्डितः
सेवमानः सुरस्थानं सदा धर्मप्रचारकः।
Having completed the studies, when they go to their hometown. They keep serving the temples and spreading the Sanatan Dharm. 
ये पण्डितास्तु नेतारः सदैव धर्मपालिनः।
शासनैः पीडितानां ते नित्यपथप्रदर्शकाः।।
The scholars who lead the department always follow the Dharma. When the government is atrocious, they show the way to the people.
मुद्रितमत्र पञ्चाङ्गं तु मुहूर्तादिबोधकम्।
व्रतानि पर्वणश्चैव नक्षत्रं ग्रहणं तथा।।
The Panchang published here informs about Muhurtas, Vrat, festivals, Nakshtras, eclipses etc.
नागकूपे तु पञ्चम्यां जन्मभूमौ पतञ्जलेः।
शास्त्रार्थं जेतरः नित्यं ते संकायस्य शाब्दिकाः।।
At Naagkoop,on Nag Panchmi, the birthplace of Patanjali, the perpetual winners of Shastrarth are Grammarians of the faculty.
म्लेच्छैः चोरितसिद्धान्तः स्थूलसुखाय योजितः ।
अलोक्यं तस्य लुप्तं यं पुनर्स्थापितमत्र तैः ।।
The concept stolen by foreigners has been used for material pleasures. The non-material aspect which was lost has been rediscovered here.
दूरदेशेभ्य आगत्य ये जैनबौद्धधर्मिणः।
निवारयन्ति भिन्दन्ति गूढसूत्रं तु नास्तिकम् ।।
The Jains and Baudhs come from different countries to resolve complex concepts related to Naastik darshan.
नास्तिकदर्शनाचार्याः वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः।
अभ्यासाध्ययनौ नीत्या स्पष्टतया विभाजितौ।।
The Acharyas of Naastik Darshan are actually expert in Vedas. Their study and practice are clearly divided.
सर्वकारेण युक्तस्तु सुविद्वान्नसनातनी ।
कदापि सूर्यमीट्टे न वर्णाश्रमञ्च बोधति ।।
The government has appointed a non-Hindu scholar. He never worships the Sun nor he knows Varnashram.
तस्मै तु किमभक्ष्यं स मांसं पर्वणि भक्षते।
शिरसि तु शिखा नैव परं मुखेऽजदाढिका ।।
For him, there is no concept of unconsumable. He eats meat at festivals. He has no Shikha but has a goat-like beard.
प्रणयितुमशक्याः तं भाषां सुष्ठ्वपि बोधितम्।
कुलपतिमहं याचे परम्परां नु रक्षतु।
It is not possible to bow down to him even though he knows the language. I request the chancellor to protect the tradition. 


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